Introducing the Monsters of Fan Studies

Simple graphic silhouettes of three human figures with a question mark placed in front of a stage curtain.

One of the many highlights of our annual conference is the special guest speakers we’ve been able to spotlight over the years.

This year, in lieu of a traditional keynote lecture, we’ve invited four leading voices in fan studies to each curate a plenary session. Our headlining “Monsters of Fan Studies” were given carte blanche to decide what conversation they wanted to have and who they wanted to be in conversation with.

Each Thursday in August, we’ll be revealing another one of these special plenary sessions, so keep checking back!

 A concert tour–style poster for the 2024 conference. Text reads, "COMING TO AN INTERNET NEAR YOU OCTOBER 17–20, FSNNA PRESENTS: THE MONSTERS OF FAN STUDIES WORLD TOUR ’24." Below are four silhouetted logos, to be revealed over the coming weeks.