FSNNA24 Call for Participation

Fan Studies Network North America Conference 2024 (virtual)

October 17-20, 2024

*taps microphone*

Coming this October!

The greatest fan studies event of this year, or any other.

An academic event of such magnitude, its like will never be seen again.

Four days of research … discussion … and community building!

Hold onto your webcams and get ready for…


Submissions for the 2024 FSNNA Conference

FSNNA warmly welcomes submissions from early career researchers, graduate students, and independent scholars, as well as established scholars. Likewise, contributions are welcomed from across disciplines and need not be limited to just fan studies: we are interested in work from media studies, the humanities, the social sciences, library science, and more.

In the interest of making our discussion as vibrant, inclusive, and interdisciplinary as possible, we’ve decided not to list specific topics this year. Instead, we encourage contributions that  consider all forms of fandom.

This may include specific media texts (e.g., film, television, print texts/series, games, video streaming, etc.), other fan-objects (e.g., sports, music, celebrity culture, etc.), specific national or regional contexts, theoretical approaches to studying fandom, investigations of fanwork genres or fan practices, and more.

Format of the 2024 Conference

FSNNA 2024 is a discussion-focused online conference. 

Participants will be grouped into roundtables for a live conversation based on overlapping objects, approaches, methods, or issues. Each roundtable participant will have an opportunity to introduce themselves and their work for 5–7 minutes, followed by some moderated discussion and Q&A with the audience.

Participants will also prepare a digital poster summarizing their research contribution. More specific guidelines about poster formats will be available soon! Posters will be available asynchronously throughout the conference in our Discord server, where attendees can ask questions and share feedback.

Submissions are due by Saturday, May 4. If your work is accepted for the conference, then your poster will be due by Friday, September 20.

Submission Details

Ready to submit your work for FSNNA 2024? Here’s what the application form will ask for: 

  • An abstract of ~300 words (include a clear explanation of your research, methods, and the project’s relevance to fan studies and fan studies scholars)
  • 3 keywords about your poster (may include topics, texts, theories, methods, etc.)
  • A bibliography of 3–5 references
  • A biographical statement (~50 words)

As in past years, we also welcome the submission of pre-constituted roundtables, which are a group of 3-5 talks that are already organized around a shared topic, text, and/or method. Please note, however, that participants in a pre-constituted roundtable must still contribute posters.

Get Ready for the 2024 Conference! 

Thank you for reading this call for participation. We’re excited to consider your work for the 2024 FSNNA conference!

Still have a question? Please feel free to contact us at fsnna.conference@gmail.com.

Ready to submit your work? Visit our submission form (or if the link doesn’t work, copy and paste this into your browser: https://forms.gle/BFWEEXvNukJoktQu9)