FSNNA 2023: Re:Fandom
As many of us re-emerged from the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2024 conference sought to focus on re-connection, re-engagement, re-invigoration, and re-invention.
The keynote lecture, “Modeling White Masculinity Through Model Trains,” was delivered by Aaron Trammel.
FSNNA 2022: Inside Voices
Our first themed conference, FSNNA22 invited attendees to reflect and explore on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on media consumption and fandom, particularly in the context of domestic spaces.
Caetlin Benson-Allott gave the keynote lecture, “Turn On, Tune In, Get Out: Rethinking Escapism and Domestic Spectatorship.”
FSNNA 2021
Still online, FSNNA21 was keynoted by Dr. Rebecca Williams. The conference also featured a plenary roundtable on research ethics in practice.
FSNNA 2020
Our first online conference, featuring a keynote conversation between Drs. Rebecca Wanzo and Lori Morimoto, workshops on archival research and fan studies in the age of COVID and Black Lives Matter, and aca-fandom and structural racism.
FSNNA 2019
The 2019 conference was held at DePaul, with keynote lectures from Dr. Lori Kido-Lopez and Keidra Chaney. Organizing committee member Dr. Jacinta Yanders facilitated a workshop on decolonizing research and teaching.
FSNNA 2018
The inaugural FSN North America conference, held at DePaul University in downtown Chicago. The keynote lecture, “Everything is Fandom, and Fandom is the Problem, So What Are We Going to Do About It?” was given by Dr. Abigail De Kosnik.